Contract Risk Scoring, how can it help you in your decision process?

On the road to achieving your company’s outcomes, some hurdles have to be taken. Contract Risk Scoring tools are there to identify the commercial & contractual hurdles that may stop you from achieving your outcomes. They allow you to take consistent decisions: Go/No Go decisions, mitigation actions, acceptable liability levels, provisions, margin levels etc. Please read this post for more details.

IACCM is promoting tools to score the risk of your contract portfolio

IACCM, the International Association for Contract & Commercial Management, is promoting that we would start risk scoring our contract portfolio. With TRaCRs, the Tender Risk and Contract Review system, AfiTaC has developed a free tool for contract scoring. This tool will rate your contract on 20 different subjects. Contract scoring will contribute to your objective to negotiate and execute balanced contracts.

Contract Risk Management for SMEs made easy!

Unless less you are a contract expert with a solid experience and capacity to compare, in your head, against benchmark contracts, you will have a hard time to give a solid opinion on any contract and identify risk areas after a first reading,
This articles proposes a free tool to analyse contracts. For twenty questions, carefully chosen to cover the whole spectrum, the risk level of the answers is positioned on a scale from 0 to 5.
Based on the report that will be provided, you can then set-up a Risk Review board.

“EPC or not EPC, that’s the question”

EPC, standing for Engineering – Procurement – Construction, is a widely used term but not always correctly and these three words do not necessarily make us a lot wiser.
The relationship between Employer [or Owner] and Contractor, when an EPC Contract is correctly established, should be in accordance with certain principles listed in this post.