As the first step in Sub-Clause 3.7 [Agreement or Determination], the Engineer – acting neutrally – shall consult with the Parties in an attempt to reach agreement (Sub-Clause 3.7.1). In this phase, the Engineers role is much like a mediator. Companies acting as Engineers under FIDIC contracts, should seriously consider providing their teams with some ADR/mediation training:
About AfiTaC is the blog on commercial and contractual subjects for the Project Businesses (Construction, Infrastructure, Oil & Gas, Power & Renewable, Water Supply & Sanitation, etc). Its objective is to stimulate reflection, learning, convergence to balanced contracts and positive dispute resolution. You can subscribe to our newsletter by writing to “”. You can also connect to our LinkedIn page. Engagement with the readers is what keeps us going. So, don’t hesitate to exchange with us by commenting here below, liking our publication on LinkedIn and writing to us “”.